Price in Cdn Dollars: From $275.00 to $350.80
CFES Fitness Knowledge Home Study Program
Price in Cdn Dollars: $52.50
CFES Aquafit Instructor 1st Year Certification Fee (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $250.00
CFES Aquafit Instructor Course Educator Resource Kit
Price in Cdn Dollars: $126.00
CFES Aquafit Instructor Exam + 1st Year Certification Fee
(includes GST) (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $73.50
CFES Aquafit Instructor Exam Fee (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $36.75
CFES Aquafit Instructor Re-write Exam Fee (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $300.00
CFES Fitness Knowledge Course Educator Resource Kit
Price in Cdn Dollars: $250.00
CFES Group Fitness Instructor Course Educator Resource Kit
Price in Cdn Dollars: $126.00
CFES Group Fitness Instructor First Year Certification Fee ONLY (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $73.50
CFES Group Fitness Instructor Exam Fee (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $36.75
CFES Group Fitness Instructor Re-write Exam Fee (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $52.50
CFES Group Fitness Instructor First Year Certification Fee ONLY (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: From $73.50 to $147.00
CFES Group Fitness Instructor Re-Certification Fees (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $52.50
CFES Personal Trainer 1st Year Certification Fee Only (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $400.00
CFES Personal Trainer Course Program Educator Kit
Price in Cdn Dollars: $73.50
CFES Personal Trainer Exam Fee (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $36.75
CFES Personal Trainer Re-write Exam Fee (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: From $73.50 to $147.00
CFES Personal Trainer Re-Certification Fee Only (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $52.50
CFES Weight Training Instructor 1st Year Certification Fee (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $250.00
CFES Weight Training Instructor Educator Resource Kit
Price in Cdn Dollars: $126.00
CFES Weight Training Instructor Exam + 1st Year Certification Fee (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $73.50
CFES Weight Training Instructor Exam Fee (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: $36.75
CFES Weight Training Instructor Re-write Exam Fee (includes GST)
Price in Cdn Dollars: From $73.50 to $147.00
CFES Weight Training Instructor Re-Certification Fee (includes GST)